Invited Talks (at international meetings)
- 1991 Kyoto Prizes Commemorative Workshop for Professor E.N. Lorenz "From Weather Forecasting to Chaos"
Nov.12,1991, Kyoto International Conference Center
"Local Lyapunov Stability and Atmospheric Predictability"
- NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere"
May 25-30, 1992, Loen, Norway
"A Numerical Experiment on the Evolution of a Polar Vortex"
- 6th International Center for Equatorial Atmosphere Research (ICEAR) symposium
Mar.10-12, 1996, Bandung, Indonesia
"Laboratory and Numerical Experiments on the Dynamics of QBO"
- International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (IFNA) "The 2nd World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts"
Jul.10-17, 1996, Athens, Greece
"Classification of Simple Low-Order Models in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Climate Dynamics"
- Newton Institute Workshop "Transport and Mixing"
Nov.11-15, 1996, Cambridge, UK
"Chaotic Mixing and Transport Processes Related with Some Vortex Motions in Geophysical Fluids"
- WMO Workshop "Dynamical Extended-Range Forecasting"
Nov.17-21, 1997, Toulouse, France
"Predictability Variations and Large-Scale Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere"
- International Workshop "Vortex Dynamics in Geophysical Flows"
Jun.22-26, 1998, Castro Marina(Lecce), Italy
"Emergence of a Circumpolar Vortex in 2D Turbulence on a Rotating Sphere"
- 1998-99 Warwick Symposium on Computation and Mathematics "Workshop on Atmospheres and Oceans"
Sep.21-25, 1998, Coventry, UK
"Numerical Experiments on 2D Turbulence on a Rotating Sphere with High Resolution Models"
"A New Method of Finite-Time Lyapunov Stability Analysis in Large Systems"
- EU-Japan Symposium on Climate Change '99
Mar.5, 1999, Tokyo International Forum
"Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability in the Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupled System"
- JSPS/NSF Japan-U.S. Seminar "Coupling of the troposphere and stratosphere by dynalocal, radiative and chemical processes"
Mar.16, 2001, Kyoto International Community House
"Internal Interannual Variations of the Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupled System"
- Eighth Scientific Assembly of the IAMAS
Jul.11-20, 2001, Innsbruck, Austria
"Numerical Experiments on Internal Interannual Variations of the Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupled System"
- International Workshop "Statistical Theories and Computational Approaches
to Turbulence: Modern Perspectives and Application to Global Scale Flows"
Oct.13,2001, Nagoya University
"Numerical Experiments on Two-Dimensional Turbulence on a Rotating Sphere"
- 2002 GCM Reality Project for SPARC (GRIPS) Workshop
Mar.13, 2002, Tsukuba International Congress Center
"Numerical Studies on Intraseasonal and Interannual Variations of the Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupled System"
- 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Apr.22, 2002, Nice, France
"A Parameter-Sweep Experiment on the Effects of Equatorial QBO on Wintertime Intraseasonal Variations in the
Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled system"
- Symposium on "Transport and Structural Formation"
Sep.11, 2002, RIAM, Kyushu University
"A Numerical Study on Mixing Barrier and Fine Structures in the Stratospheric Polar Vortex"
- Symposium on "Modeling, Simulation, and Experiments in Vortex Dynamics"
Oct.18, 2002, Kyoto University
"Non-Axisymmetric Structure of Strong Vortices in Geophysical Fluids"
- International Symposium on "Dynamics and Statistics of Coherent Structures in Turbulence:
Roles of Elementary Vortices"
Oct.22, 2002, National Institute of Informatics (National Center of Sciences), Tokyo
"A Numerical Experiment on the Zonal Jet Formation in 2-D Turbulent Flow on a Beta-Plane"
- International Symposium on "Stratospheric Variations and Climate"
Nov.15, 2002, Kyushu University
"Antarctic Polar-Vortex Split in Two in September 2002"
- 13th General Assembly of the IUGG 2003
Jul.1, 2003, Sapporo, Japan
"Large Ensemble Experiments on the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Variability"
- The International Conrerence on "High-Impact Weather and Climate"
Mar.23, 2004, Seoul, Korea
"Temperature Trends Estimated with Finite-Length Datasets and Evaluation of
their Sighnificance with Some Idealized Models"
- Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & 2nd APHW Conference
Jul.8, 2004, Singapore
"A Review on the Influence of the 11-year Solar Cycle to Climate"
- Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & 2nd APHW Conference
Jul.10, 2004N, Singapore
"Active Geosphere: A New Interdisciplinary Approach to Earth Science"
- 3rd SPARC General Assembly
Aug.4, 2004, Victoria, Canada
"Large Ensemble Experiments on the Interannual Variability and Trends with a Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model"
- RIHN Workshop on " Climate Variability and Climate Change"
Oct.18, 2004, Kyoto International Community House
"Links between Solar Variability and Climate Variability"
- 60th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan
Mar.25, 2005, Tokyo University of Science, Noda Campus
"2D Turbulence and Structure in Planetary Atmospheres"
- The 7th International School/Symposium for Space Simulations
Mar.29, 2005, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
"Hierarchy of Numerical Models to Study Atmospheric Variation and Climate Change"
- 15th Conference on "Atmosphereic and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics"
Jun.17, 2005, Boston, USA
"A Parameter Sweep Experiment on Quasi-Periodic Variations of the Polar Vortex
due to Wave-Wave Interaction in a Barotropic Model"
- 10th Scientific Assembly of IAGA
Jul.19, 2005, Toulouse, France
"Large Ensemble Experiments on Interannual Variability and Trend
with a Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model (solicited)"
- AGU Chapman Conference on Jets and Annular Structures in Geophysical Fluids
Jan.9-12, 2006, Savannah, GA, USA
"Jets and Annular Structures in Geophysical Fluids: Introduction"
"A Parameter Sweep Experiment on Quasi-Periodic Variations of a Circumpolar Vortex
due to Wave-Wave Interaction in a Barotropic Model"
- The James Holton Symposium in the 86th AMS Annual Meeting
Jan.30, 2006, Atlanta, GA, USA
"Intraseasonal and Interannual Variations of the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled System"
- International Workshop on Regional Models for the Prediction of Tropical Weather and Climate
Mar.1-3, 2006, Bandung, Indonesia
"A Trial of Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasts with a Lagged Average Method"
- ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers 2006 -Climate Change-
Jun.27, 2006, Nynäshamn, Sweden
"The Use of Numerical Models to Understand Climate Variability and Change"
- Geophysical Fliud Dynamics and Scalar Transport in the Tropics
Nov.16, 2006, Singapore
"Numerical Experiments on the Layered Structures in the Mid-Troposphere over
the Equatorial Pacific with a Mesoscale Model"
- JSPS-LIPI Workshop: Japan-Indonesia Research Collaboration on "Natural Disasters"
Jun.20, 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia
"International Research for Prevention and Mitigation of Meteorological Disasters in Southeast Asia"
- IUGG 24th General Assembly
Jul.11, 2007, Perugia, Italy
"Parameter Sweep Experiments on Remote Influences of QBO and Solar Cycle
in a Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model"
- AMS 14th Conference on Middle Atmosphere
Aug.23, 2007, Portland, USA
"Numerical Experiments on the Dynamical Roles of the Stratosphere in Climate
with Mechanistic Circulation Models"
- AGU Chapman Conference on the role of the stratosphere in climate and climate change"
Sep.28, 2007, Santorini, Greece
"Parameter Sweep Experiments on the Remote Influences of the Equatorial QBO and
Solar Heating around the Stratospause with a Mechanistic Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model"
- SPARC DynVar Planning Workshop
Mar.24-30, 2008, Toronro, Canada
"An Issue in DynVar (Ideal) Related to Stratospheric Sudden Warmings"
- 5th Annual Meeting AOGS 2008
Jun.15-19, 2008, Busan, Korea
"An Experiment on Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasts with a Lagged Average Method over Indochine Region"
"Parameter Sweep Experiments on Remote Influences of External Forcing in the Tropics to the Winter Polar Vortex"
- SPARC 4th General Assembly
Aug.30-Sep.6, 2008, Bologna, Italy
"An Idealized Model Experiment on the Remote Influence of Interannual Variations in the Tropics to the Winter Polar Vortex"
- International Workshop on Variabilities of Solar-Cosmic and Terrestrial Environment
Dec.4, 2008, JAMSTEC Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences/Miyoshi Memorial Auditorium
"A Review on the Influence of Solar Variability upon Climate"
- IUTAM Symposium on Rotating Stratified Turbulence and Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Oceans
Dec.9, 2008, Cambridge, UK
"Jet Formation in Two-Dimensional Turbulence on a Rotating Sphere"
- 2nd Physics and Modeling of Multi-scale Interaction in Plasmas
Mar.3-4, 2009, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
"Jet Formation in Two-Dimensional Turbulence on a Rotating Sphere"
- EGU General Assembly 2009
Apr.19-24, 2009, Wien, Austria
"Relationship among SSW, VI, PJO and AO in an Idealized Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model"
- Japan Geosciences Union Meeting 2009
May 16-21, 2009, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba
"Relationship among SSW, VI, PJO and AO in an Idealized Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model"
- 17th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics and 15th Conference on Middle Atmosphere
Jun.9, 2009, Stowe, VT, USA
"Relationship among SSW, VI, PJO and AO in an Idealized Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model"
- MOCA-09, the IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS 2009 Joint Assembly
Jul.19-29, 2009, Montreal, Canada
"Relationship among SSW, VI, PJO and AO in an Idealized Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model"
- 6th Annual Meeting AOGS 2009
Aug.11-15, 2009, Singapore
"Classification of PJOs in an Ideakized Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Model and their Relationship to SSW,VI and AO"
International Workshop on Advancement of Typhoon Track Forecast Technique
Nov.30-Dec.2, 2009, The Nippon Foundation Building, Tokyo
"Decision support system for prevention and mitigation of meteorological disasters
based on ensemble NWP data: an experimental use for the forecasts of Nargis"
- 6th Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere
Jun.15-18, 2010, Boulder, CO, USA
"Long-Term Trends in Stratospheric Temperature and Their Detectability in Simulations under the situation of large natural variability "
- Indo-Japanese colloquium on Weather & Climate over Asia
Jul.1-3, 2010, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
"International Collaborative Research for Prevention and Mitigation of Meteorological Disasters in Tropical Asia"
- 7th Annual Meeting AOGS 2010
Jul.5-9, 2010, Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India
"A Numerical Study on Heavy Rainfall of Jakarta Flood Event in January-February 2007"
"Classification of Polar-Night Jet Oscillations and Their Relationship to Fast and Slow Variations
in a Global Mechanistic Circulation Model of the Stratosphere and Troposphere"
- WCRP Workshop on Seasonal to Multi-Decadal Predictability of Polar Climate
Oct.25-29, 2010, Bjerknes Centre, Bergen, Norway
"Numerical Studies on Internal and Eexternal Variations of the Winter Polar Vortex with a Mechanistic Circulation Model"
- The 15th Northeastem Asian Symposium on Method and Modeling for High Performance Scientific Computing
Sep.23, 2013, Chengdu, China
"Hierarchy of Numerical Models for Better Understanding of the Dynamical Aspects of Weather, Climate and Environment"
- International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges (ISEC)
Oct.3, 2013, Uji Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University
"Extreme Weather Variations in the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled System: Past, Present and Future"
- WMO/CAS Fifth International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-V)
Oct.28-Nov.1, 2013, World Trade Center, Macao, Chaina
"Recent Progress in Research on the Maritime Continent Monsoon"
- GCOE-ARS Final Symposium 2013
Dec.1-4, 2013, Uji Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University
"Numerical Experiments on Severe Rainfalls in the Tropics with a Time-Lagged Ensemble Technique"
- Kyoto University & National Taiwan University Symposium 2014
Sep.1-2, 2014, Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University
"Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamical coupling in the Tropics Associated with the QBO"
- 60th Anniversary Symposium of AS-NTU on "Research and Perspective of Extreme Weather and Climate Events and Climate Change"
May 14-17, 2015, GIS NTU Convention Center, Taiwan
"International Research Collaborations on Extreme Weather in Changing Climate in the Martime Continent"
- 26th IUGG General Assembly: M14 Middle Atmosphere Science
Jun.25, 2015, Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic
"Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamical Coupling in the Tropics Associated with the Equatorial QBO"
- SPARC DynVar Workshop & S-RIP Meeting
Jun.6-10, 2016, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
"Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamical Coupling in tne Tropics
-- Focusing on Simulations of the QBO and its Possible Influence on Tropical Deep Convection"
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YODEN Shigeo <>
Created: March 13, 1997; Updated: January 21, 2017