Host/Main Organizer of International Meetings
- JSPS/NSF Japan - U.S. Seminar on
"Coupling of the troposphere and stratosphere by dynamical, radiative and chemical processes"
Mar.13-17, 2001, Kyoto International Community House
- International Symposium on Stratospheric Variations and Climate
Nov.12-15, 2002, Kyushu University
- 10th Session of SPARC SSG
Nov.18-21, 2002, Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto
- International Kick-off Symposium for Kyoto University Active Geosphere Investigations (KAGI 21)
Dec.16-17, 2003, Kyoto International Community House
- 1st KAGI21 International Summer School
Jul.11-26, 2004, Bandung, Indonesia
- 2nd KAGI21 International Symposium
Nov.1-4, 2004, B-Con Plaza, Beppu
- 2nd KAGI21 International Summer School
Aug.14-27, 2005, Bandung, Indonesia
- 3rd KAGI21 International Symposium
Nov.8-10, 2005, Wuhan, China
- KAGI21 International Workshop on "Regional Models for the Prediction of Tropical Weather and Climate"
Mar.1-3, 2006, Bandung, Indonesia
- 3rd KAGI21 International Summer School
Jul.16-28, 2006, Bandung, Indonesia
- 4th KAGI21 International Symposium
Dec.4-5, 2006, Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
- 4th KAGI21 International Summer School
Jul.22-Aug.3, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia
- 5th KAGI21 International Symposium /
10th Kyoto University International Symposium on "Active Geosphere Science"
Jul.26-28, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia
- 1st International Workshop on Prevention and Mitigation of
Meteorological Disasters in Southeast Asia
Mar. 3-5, 2008, Palace Side Hotel, Kyoto
- 2nd International Workshop on Prevention and Mitigation of
Meteorological Disasters in Southeast Asia
Mar.2-5, 2009, Bandung, Indonesia
- 5th KAGI21 International Summer School
Aug.21-Sep.4, 2009, Kyoto University and Sophie Wood Hotel in Shiga
(supported by JSPS under the JENESYS(Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) Programme 2009)
- 3rd International Workshop on Prevention and Mitgation of
Meteological Disasters in Southeast Asia /
Open Symosium on Meteorogical Disasters and Adaptable Society in the Asia-Pacific Region
Feb.28-Mar.4, 2010, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu
- 6th KAGI21 International Summer School
Aug.27-Sep.9, 2011, Kyoto University and Crefeel Koto in Shiga
(supported by JSPS under the JENESYS(Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) Programme 2011)
Workshop on Stratospheric Sudden Warming and its Role in Weather and Climate Variations
Feb.22-24, 2012, Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto University
- 7th KAGI21 International Spring School
Mar.4-13, 2013, Kyoto University and Acty Plaza Biwa in Shiga
(supported by Kyoto U.GCOE-ARS and GSS programs)
WCRP Regional Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Processes and their Role in Climate
Apr.1-3, 2013, Maskawa Hall/Inamori Hall, Kyoto University
- 1st Kyoto U.-National Taiwan U. Atmospheric Science Students Exchange Program
Jul.19-28, 2013, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
RIMS International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Variability and Predictability
Oct.22-25, 2013, Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University
- 3rd Kyoto U.-National Taiwan U. Atmospheric Science Students Exchange Program
Aug.29-Sep.6, 2014, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Kyoto U.-National Taiwan U. Symposium 2014
Session K11: Natural Hazard and Global Change
Sep.1-2, 2014, Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University
- 8th KAGI21 International Spring School
Mar.3-10, 2015, Kyoto University and Acty Plaza Biwa, Shiga
(supported by Kyoto U. GSS program and others)
- International workshop on the stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling in the tropics
Oct.22-24, 2015, Science Seminar House, Kyoto University
- 1st International Workshop on Extreme Weather in Changing Climate in the Maritime Continent/
South-East Asian School on Tropical Atmospheric Science
Jan.5-8, 2016, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
(supported by JSPS Core-to-Core Program)
- 2nd International Workshop on Extreme Weather in Changing Climate in the Maritime Continent/
South-East Asian School on Tropical Atmospheric Science
Aug.23-27, 2016, Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam
(supported by JSPS Core-to-Core Program)
- 5th Kyoto U.-National Taiwan U. Atmospheric Science Students/Young Researchers Exchange Program
Nov.11-14, 2016, Graduate School of Science and DPRI, Kyoto University
- **********************************
- Joint SPARC Dynamics & Observations Workshop - QBOi, FISAPS & SATIO-TCS
Oct.9-14, 2017, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
- WCRP/SPARC SATIO-TCS joint workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamical Coupling in the Tropics
Feb.21-25, 2020, Graduate School of Science and Raku-Yu Kaikan, Kyoto University
Home Page for Hosted International Meetings
JSPS/NSF Japan-U.S. Seminar 2001 "Coupling of the troposphere and stratosphere
by dynamical, radiative and chemical processes"
10th Session of the SPARC Scientific Steering Group in 2002
International Kick-off Symposium for Kyoto University Acvtive Geosphere investigations
for the 21st century COE Program (KAGI21) in 2003
2006 Chapman Conference on "Jets and Annular Structures in Geophysical Fluids"
10th Kyoto University International Symposium on "Active Geosphere Science" in 2007
Workshop on "Stratospheric Sudden Warming and its Role in Weather and Climate Variations" in 2012
WCRP Regional Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Processes and their Role in Climate (SPARC)
in 2013
RIMS International Conference on "Theoretical Aspects of Variability and
Predictability in Weather and Climate Systems" in 2013
Kyoto University - National Taiwan University Symposium 2014: Session K11 "Natural Hazard and Global Change"
Convenor of International Meetings
- 5th Scientific Assembly of the IAMAP: Symposium M4 "Atmospheric Predictability"
Jul.13-15, 1993, PACIFICO Yokohama
- 2nd SPARC General Assembly: Session 3 "Modelling and Diagnosis of Stratospheric Effects on Climate"
Nov.6-10, 2000, Mar del Plata, Argentina
- 1st AOGS annual meeting 2004: Session "Active Geosphere: A New Interdisciplinary Approach to Earth Science"
Jul.5-9, 2004, Singapore
- AGU Chapman Conference on "Jets and Annular Structures in Geophysical Fluids"
Jan.9-12, 2006, Savannah, Georgia, USA (Co-conveners)
- 3rd AOGS annual meeting 2006: Session "Applied Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction in Southeast Asia"
Jul.10-14, 2006, Singapore
- AGU Chapman Conference on "The Role of the Stratosphere In Climate and Climate Change"
Sep.24-28, 2007, Santorini, Greece (Program Committee)
- 5th AOGS annual meeting 2008: Sessions "Middle Atmosphere Science", "Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation in Southeast Asia"
Jun.16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea
- IUTAM/INI Symposuim on "Rotating Stratified Turbulence and Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Oceans"
in association with the Newton Institute programme 'The Nature of High Reynolds Number Turbulence'
Dec.8-12, 2008, Cambridge, UK
- 6th AOGS annual meeting 2009: Session "Middle Atmosphere Science"
Aug.11-15, 2009, Singapore
- 7th AOGS annual meeting 2010: Sessions "Middle Atmosphere Science", "Numerical Modelling and Data Assimilation of Mesocale Tropical Weather"
Jul.5-9, 2010, Hyderabad, India
- 8th AOGS annual meeting 2011: Session "Middle Atmosphere Science"
Aug.8-12, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
- 9th AOGS annual meeting - AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012: Sessions "Middle Atmosphere Science",
"Numerical Modelling of Weather and Regional Climate in the Tropics"
Aug.13-17, 2012, Singapore
- 10th AOGS annual meeting 2013: Session "Middle Atmosphere Science"
Jun.24-28, 2013, Brisbane, Australia
- IAMAS Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly (DACA-13): Session
A2.1 "Coupling mechanisms and predictability in weather and climate"
Jul.6-14, 2013, Davos, Switzerland
- 11th AOGS annual meeting 2014: Sessions "Middle Atmosphere Science",
"Regional Modelling for Atmospheric Dynamics and Tropical Phenomena",
"2nd Young Scientists Forum (YSF): Challenging The Atmospheric Sciences"
Jul.28-Aug.1, 2014, Sapporo, Japan
- 12th AOGS annual meeting 2015: Sessions "Middle Atmosphere Science",
"The Maritime Continent monsoon",
"3rd Young Scientists Forum (YSF): Challenging The Atmospheric Sciences"
Aug.2-7, 2015, Singapore
- 13th AOGS annual meeting 2016: Sessions "Middle Atmosphere Science",
"4th Young Scientists Forum (YSF): Challenging The Atmospheric Sciences"
Jul.31-Aug.5, 2016, Beijing, China
- 14th AOGS annual meeting 2017: Session "Middle Atmosphere Science"
Aug.6-11, 2017, Singapore
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YODEN Shigeo <>
Created: March 13, 1997; Updated: January 22, 2017