List of Reports and Misc.: YODEN Shigeo
- Yoden, S., M. Shiotani and I. Hirota, 1986
Multiple weather regimes in the southern hemisphere.
Conference on the variability of the atmosphere and the oceans
on time scales of a month to several years.
Royal Meteorological Society, 116.
- Yoden, S., M. Shiotani and I. Hirota, 1986:
Multiple planetary flow regimes in the southern hemisphere.
Second international conference on southern hemisphere meteorology.
American Meteorological Society, 196-199.
- 余田 成男, 1981:
京大数理研講究録, 435, 158-181.
- 廣田 勇・余田 成男, 1981:
「乱流現象の解明と制御」研究成果報告集, 102-108.
- 廣田 勇・余田 成男, 1982:
「乱流現象の解明と制御」研究成果中間報告, 37-40.
- 廣田 勇・余田 成男, 1983:
「大気圏・水圏における乱流」研究成果報告書, 9-14.
- 余田 成男, 1984:
日本気象学会関西支部例会講演要旨集「長周期の気象変化」, 30, 3-6.
- 余田成男, 1987:
天気, 34-1, 59-62.
- 余田 成男, 1987:
天気, 34-5, 337-338.
- 余田 成男, 1988:
Mike Wallace の中間試験「大気大循環」.
天気, 35-2, 109-110.
- 余田 成男, 1988:
Mike Wallace の中間試験 (解答).
天気, 35-3, 198-199.
- 余田 成男, 1988:
第2回大気圏シンポジウム, 10-11.
- 余田 成男・向川 均, 1988:
数値解析, 25-2, 1-4.
- 浅井冨雄・他, 1989:
IAMAP 第5回研究集会の報告 ---レディング, 1989年8月---.
天気, 36-12, 723-736.
- 余田 成男, 1989:
第11回関西支部夏季大学テキスト, 1-14.
- 余田 成男, 1989:
中層大気の研究---観測, データ解析と理論, 数値実験---.
第4回大気圏シンポジウム, 26-32.
- 余田 成男, 1990:
学術月報, 43-3, 297-298.
- 余田 成男, 1990:
STE研究連絡会報告「対流・波動の発生機構」, 39-42.
- 余田 成男・野村 真佐子・木本 昌秀・向川 均, 1990:
気候変動国際協同研究計画(WCRP)第4回シンポジウム報告集, 87-92.
- 野村 真佐子・余田 成男, 1990:
気候変動国際協同研究計画(WCRP)第4回シンポジウム報告集, 93-97.
- 余田 成男・他, 1991:
天気, 38-5, 275-304.
- 浅井 冨雄・他, 1992:
天気, 39, 5-15.
- 余田 成男, 1992:
統計数理研共同研究リポート37「球面上の形態形成と情報処理」, 87-90.
- Yoden, S., 1992:
A Numerical experiment on the evolution of polar vortex.
MAS Symposium, 55.
- Ishioka, K. and S. Yoden, 1992:
Barotropic instability of a polar vortex and nonlinear evolution of
eastward traveling waves.
MAS Symposium, 63-64.
- Ishioka, K. and S. Yoden, 1992:
The stability of zonal flows in barotropic fluid on a rotating sphere.
京大数理研講究録, 782, 113-124.
- 余田 成男, 1992:
京大数理研講究録, 782, 262-273.
- 野沢 徹・酒井 敏・余田 成男, 1992:
京大数理研講究録, 800, 118-128.
- 余田 成男・山田 道夫, 1992:
京大数理研講究録, 817, 140-148.
- 余田 成男, 1992:
天気, 39-11, 679-681.
- 余田 成男, 1993:
日本気象学会関西支部例会講演要旨集, 63, 1-4.
- Yoden, S. and T. Nozawa, 1993:
Forced two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere
--- re-examination of "Jovian circulation" by Williams(1978).
STEP SIMPO Newsletter, 2-6, 45.
- 余田 成男, 1993:
NATO高等研究ワークショップ --下層中層大気中の結合過程--.
Earth Ecology & Climate, 5, 12-13.
- Yoden, S. and K. Ishioka, 1993:
Nonlinear evolution of a barotropically unstable circumpolar vortex
and its final equilibrium state.
American Meteorological Society,
Ninth conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability,
- 余田 成男・田中 博, 1993:
天気, 40-10, 777-779.
- 野沢 徹・余田 成男, 1993:
第25回乱流シンポジウム講演論文集, 18-21.
- 野沢 徹・余田 成男, 1993:
京大数理研講究録, 852, 194-207.
- 石岡 圭一・余田 成男, 1993:
第7回大気圏シンポジウム, 115-119.
- 余田 成男・向川 均・木本 昌秀・佐藤 康雄, 1994:
IAMAP・IAHS '93 シンポジウム報告 M4: Atmospheric Predictability.
天気, 40, 998-1000.
- 余田 成男・塩谷 雅人・石岡 圭一・池田 親信・酒井 敏, 1994:
日本学術会議シンポジウム「C.G.で見る流れの世界」講演論文集, 69-71.
- Horinouchi, T. and S. Yoden, 1994:
Wave excitation by localized heating in the tropics and
its propagation in the middle atmosphere.
Proceedings of Eight International Symposium on
Solar Terrestrial Physics, 203.
- Ishioka, K. and S. Yoden, 1994:
Vacillations of a circumpolar vortex and horizontal transport of
a passive tracer.
Proceedings of Eight International Symposium on
Solar Terrestrial Physics, 243.
- 堀之内 武・余田 成男, 1994:
第8回大気圏シンポジウム, 36-39.
- 余田 成男・石岡 圭一, 1994:
第8回大気圏シンポジウム, 93-96.
- 神沢 博・佐藤 薫・塩谷 雅人・余田 成男, 1994:
天気, 41-11, 37-42.
- 余田 成男, 1995:
本だな 「The Essence of Chaos」.
天気, 42-3, 39-40.
- Nozawa, T. and S. Yoden, 1995:
Coherent structures in forced two-dimensional turbulence
on a rotating sphere.
American Meteorological Society,
Tenth conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability, 70-71.
- Yoden, S. and K. Ishioka, 1995:
Nonlinear aspects of a barotropically unstable polar vortex in a
forced-dissipative system: Flow regimes and tracer transport.
American Meteorological Society,
Tenth conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability, 189-190.
- Ishioka, K. and S. Yoden, 1995:
Numerical methodes for bounds on the nonlinear saturation
of barotropic instability.
American Meteorological Society,
Tenth conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability, 204-205.
- Horinouchi, T. and S. Yoden, 1995:
Wave excitation by localized heating in the tropics
and its propagation into the middle atmosphere.
American Meteorological Society,
Tenth conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability, 230-231.
- Yamane, S. and S. Yoden, 1995:
Finite-time Lyapunov stability analysis on the predictability variation
in the Legras and Ghil model.
American Meteorological Society,
Tenth conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability, 242-243.
- 石岡 圭一・余田 成男, 1995:
京大数理研講究録, 921, 163-170.
- 余田 成男, 1995:
天気, 42-9, 43-46.
- 石岡 圭一・他, 1996:
天気, 43-2, 113-118.
- 余田 成男・麻生 和彦・石岡 圭一, 1996:
日本学術会議第2回シンポジウム「C.G.で見る流れの世界」講演論文集, 58-60.
- 赤堀 浩司・余田 成男, 1996:
日本気象学会関西支部例会講演要旨集, 75, 17-20.
- 野沢 徹・余田 成男, 1996:
Pattern and formation of zonal band structure in forced 2D turbulence
on a rotating sphere.
京大数理研講究録, 972, 183-192.
- 余田 成男, 1996:
天気, 43-12, 827-828.
- 山中 大学・余田 成男・橋田 元・鶴田 治雄, 1997:
天気, 44-1, 35-41.
- 余田 成男, 1997:
天気, 44-4, 257-260.
- Akahori, K. and S. Yoden, 1997:
Zonal flow vacillation and bimodality of baroclinic-eddy
life-cycles in a simple global circulation model.
American Meteorological Society,
11th conference on atmospheric & oceanic fluid dynamics, 272-273.
- Sakai, S., S. Yoden, N. Otobe, M. Shiotaniand Collaborators, 1997:
Visualization of internal gravity waves in the QBO experiment.
American Meteorological Society,
11th conference on atmospheric & oceanic fluid dynamics, 335-338.
- 石井 正好・小林 ちあき・余田 成男, 1998:
天気, 45-5, 383-387.
- 余田 成男, 1998:
日本気象学会1998年度春季大会, シンポジウム要旨集, 1-6.
- 余田 成男, 1998:
果報告書, 729-732.
- Hayashi, Y.-Y., K. Ishioka, M. Yamada and S. Yoden, 1998:
Emergence of circumpolar vortex in 2-D turbulence on a rotating
Inst. of Space and Astronautical Science, Proceedings of the 31st
ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 34-37.
- 余田 成男・石岡 圭一・林 祥介・山田 道夫, 1999:
京大数理研講究録, 1075, 73-84.
- 余田 成男, 1999:
- カオスへの挑戦」の報告),
天気, 46-3, 170-178.
- 水田 亮・余田 成男, 1999:
京大数理研講究録, 1092, 78-88.
- 余田 成男・石岡 圭一・林 祥介・山田 道夫, 1999:
九大応力研研究集会報告, 10ME-S4, 105-110.
- Yoden, S., 1999:
Intraseasonal and interannual variability in the
troposphere-stratosphere coupled system.
Proceedings of EU-Japan Symposium on Climate Change '99, 35-37.
- Akahori, K. and S. Yoden, 1999:
Modified Lagrangian-mean analysis of low-frequency variations in
the tropospere of a simple global circulation model.
American Meteorological Society,
12th conference on atmospheric & oceanic fluid dynamics, 275-276.
- Ishioka, K., M. Ymada, Y.-Y. Hayashi and S. Yoden, 1999:
Two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere with
high-resolution spectral model.
American Meteorological Society,
12th conference on atmospheric & oceanic fluid dynamics, 296-297.
- Mizuta, R. and S. Yoden, 1999:
Chaotic mixing in quasi-periodic flows of an idealized
circumpolar vortex of the stratosphere.
American Meteorological Society,
12th conference on atmospheric & oceanic fluid dynamics, 318-319.
- Yoden, S., 1999:
Numerical experiments on 2D turbulence on a rotating sphere with
high resolution models.
-- 1 数理・物理モデルと計算アルゴリズムの開発 --」研究成果中間報告書,
- Akahori, K. and S. Yoden, 1999:
Modified Lagrangian-mean analysis of low-frequency variations in
the tropospere of a simple global circulation model.
-- 1 数理・物理モデルと計算アルゴリズムの開発 --」研究成果中間報告書,
- 田口 正和・余田 成男, 2000:
- Yoden, S. and R. Mizuta, 2000:
Chaotic mixing and transport barrier in an idealized
stratospheric polar vortex.
Proceedings of the SPARC 2000 2nd general assembly,
CD-Rom and Web,
- Yoden, S. and M. Taguchi, 2000:
A numerical experiment on intraseasonal and interannual
variations of the troposphere-stratosphere coupled system.
Proceedings of the SPARC 2000 2nd general assembly,
CD-Rom and Web,
- 余田 成男・他, 2001:
「人工衛星からの大気観測 ---その歴史的展開---」の報告.
天気, 48-7, 445-472.
- 余田 成男, 2001:
天気, 48-7, 477-480.
- Taguchi, M. and S. Yoden, 2001:
A numerical experiment on annular mode with a simple global
circulation model.
Tohoku Geophys. J., 36-2, 65-76.
- Yoden, S., M. Taguchi and Y. Naito, 2001:
Numerical experiments on intraseasonal and interannual variations
of the troposphere-stratosphere coupled system.
SPARC Newsletter, 16, 18-21.
YODEN Shigeo <>
Created: April 9, 1996;
Updated: May 31, 2002