英文 64編
和文 14編
合計 78編
- Yoden, S., 1979: Some dynamical properties of non-linear baroclinic waves
in a quasi-geostrophic model. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 57-6, 493-504. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1981: Quasi-periodic energy variation in a zonal
flow-baroclinic wave interaction model. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 59-3, 291-302. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1983: Nonlinear interactions in a two-layer, quasi-geostrophic,
low-order model with topography. Part I: Zonal flow-forced wave interactions.
J.Met.Soc.Japan, 61-1, 1-18. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1983: Nonlinear interactions in a two-layer, quasi-geostrophic,
low-order model with topography. Part II: Interactions between zonal flow,
forced waves and free waves. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 61-1, 19-35. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and H. Mukougawa, 1983: Instabilities of a baroclinic zonal flow
in the presence of surface topography. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 61-6, 789-804. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and I. Hirota, 1984: A numerical study on periodic and chaotic
behaviour in a geophysical fluid system. Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in
Fluids, T.Tatsumi, Ed., North-Holland, 477-482. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1985: Bifurcation properties of a quasi-geostrophic,
barotropic, low-order model with topography. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 63-4, 535-546.
- Yoden, S., 1985: Multiple stable states of quasi-geostrophic barotropic
flow over sinusoidal topography. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 63-6, 1031-1045. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1985: A numerical study on bifurcation properties of some
low-order models in geophysical fluid dynamics. Recent S.T.P., T. Tatsumi, H.
Maruo and H. Takami, Eds., Association for Science Documents Information,
151-161. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1987: Bifurcation properties of a stratospheric vacillation
model. J.Atmos.Sci., 44-13, 1723-1733. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1987: Dynamical aspects of stratospheric vacillations in a
highly truncated model. J.Atmos.Sci., 44-24, 3683-3695. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1987: A new class of stratospheric vacillations in a highly
truncated model due to wave interference. J.Atmos.Sci., 44-24, 3696-3709. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., M. Shiotani and I. Hirota, 1987: Multiple planetary flow
regimes in the southern hemisphere. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 65-4, 571-586. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and J.R. Holton, 1988: A new look at equatorial quasi-biennial
oscillation models. J.Atmos.Sci., 45-19, 2703-2717. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1990: An illustrative model of seasonal and interannual
variations of the stratospheric circulation. J.Atmos.Sci., 47-15, 1845-1853.
- Mukougawa, H., M. Kimoto and S. Yoden, 1991: A relationship between local
error growth and quasi-stationary states: Case study in the Lorenz system.
J.Atmos.Sci., 48-10, 1231-1237. (pdf)
- Sugata, S. and S. Yoden, 1991: The effects of centrifugal force on the
stability of axisymmetric viscous flow in a rotating annulus. J.Fluid Mech.,
229, 471-482. (pdf)
- Kimoto, M., H. Mukougawa, and S. Yoden, 1992: Medium-range forecast skill
variation and blocking transition: A case study. Mon.Wea.Rev., 120-8,
1616-1627. (pdf)
- Sugata, S. and S. Yoden, 1992: Steady axi-symmetric flow due to
differential heating in a rotating annulus and its dependence on experimental
parameters. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 70-5, 1005-1017. (pdf)
- 余田 成男・山田 道夫, 1992: 回転球面上における減衰性2次元乱流の形態. 京都大学防災研究所年報, 35-B-1, 229-234. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and K. Ishioka, 1993: A numerical experiment on
the breakdown of a polar vortex due to forced Rossby waves. J.Met.Soc.Japan,
71-1, 59-72. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and K. Ishioka, 1993: A numerical experiment on the evolution of
a polar vortex. Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere,
E.V.Thrane et al.,Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 67-76. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1993: A numerical experiment on 2-D Turbulence on a rotating
sphere. Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere, E.V.Thrane et
al.,Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 363-367. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and M. Yamada, 1993: A numerical experiment on
two-dimensional decaying turbulence on a rotating sphere. J.Atmos.Sci., 50-4,
631-643. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and M. Nomura, 1993: Finite-time Lyapunov stability analysis and
its application to atmospheric predictability. J.Atmos.Sci., 50-11, 1531-1543.
- Sugata, S. and S. Yoden, 1993: A numerical study on regime transitions of
the rotating annulus flow with a semi-spectral model. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 71-4,
491-501. (pdf)
- 野沢 徹・酒井 敏・余田 成男, 1993: 傾斜対流実験のフラクタル次元解析. 天気, 40-11, 55-65. (pdf)
- Ishioka, K. and S. Yoden, 1994: Nonlinear evolution of a
barotropically unstable circumpolar vortex. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 72-1, 63-80. (pdf)
- Sugata, S. and S. Yoden, 1994: Chaotic Lagrangian motion and heat
transport in a steady, baroclinic annulus wave. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 72-4,
569-587. (pdf)
- Ishioka, K. and S. Yoden, 1995: Non-linear aspects of a
barotropically unstable polar vortex in a forced-dissipative system: Flow
regimes and tracer transport. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 73-2, 201-212. (pdf)
- Ishioka, K. and S. Yoden, 1996: Numerical methods of estimating bounds on
the non-linear saturation of barotropic instability. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 74-2,
167-174. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., Y. Naito and S. Pawson, 1996: A further analysis of internal
variability in a perpetual January integration of a
troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 74-2, 175-188. (pdf)
- Horinouchi, T. and S. Yoden, 1996: Excitation of transient waves by
localized episodic heating in the tropics and their propagation into the
middle atmosphere. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 74-2, 189-210. (pdf)
- 山根 省三・余田 成男, 1996: 簡略化した大気循環モデルにおける予測可能性の時間変動. 京都大学防災研究所年報, 39-B-1,
151-159. (pdf)
- Yamane, S. and S. Yoden, 1997: Predictability variation and
quasi-stationary states in simple non-linear systems. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 75-2,
557-568. (pdf)
- Horinouchi, T. and S. Yoden, 1997: Propagation of waves exited by
localized episodic heating in the tropics and their effect on the middle
atmosphere: Comparison between two QBO phases. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 75-3, 641-656.
- Nozawa, T. and S. Yoden, 1997: Formation of zonal band structure in forced
two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere. Phys. Fluids, 9-7, 2081-2093.
- Akahori, K. and S. Yoden, 1997: Zonal flow vacillation and bimodality of
baroclinic eddy life cycles in a simple global circulation model.
J.Atmos.Sci., 54-19, 2349-2361. (pdf)
- Nozawa, T. and S. Yoden, 1997: Spectral anisotropy in forced
two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere. Phys. Fluids, 9-12,
3834-3842. (pdf)
- 赤堀 浩司・余田 成男, 1997: 傾圧不安定波の砕波パターンに関する数値実験. 京都大学防災研究所年報, 40-B-1, 197-210. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., 1997: Classification of simple low-order models in geophysical
fluid dynamics and climate dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods &
Applications, 30-7, 4607-4618. (pdf)
- Horinouchi, T. and S. Yoden, 1998: Wave-mean flow interaction associated
with a QBO-like oscillation simulated in a simplified GCM. J.Atmos.Sci., 55-4,
502-526. (pdf)
- Yamane, S. and S. Yoden, 1998: Low-frequency variations and optimal
excitation in a simple barotropic model with zonal asymmetry. J.Met.Soc.Japan,
76-4, 561-580. (pdf)
- 山根 省三・余田 成男, 1998: 簡略化した大気循環モデルにおける長期変動と予測可能性の変動. 京都大学防災研究所年報, 41-B-1,
383-397. (pdf)
- 水田 亮・堀居 堅志・余田 成男, 1998: 2次元非発散流体中における渦パッチの変形と流体混合 -- コンターダイナミクスによる数値計算 --.
ながれmultimedia, 17-3, http://www.nagare.or.jp/mm/98/index_ja.htm
- 乙部 直人・酒井 敏・余田 成男・塩谷 雅人, 1998: QBO実験における内部重力波の可視化とWKB解析. ながれmultimedia,
17-3, http://www.nagare.or.jp/mm/98/index_ja.htm
- Yoden, S., T. Yamaga, S. Pawson and U. Langematz, 1999: A composite
analysis of the stratospheric sudden warmings simulated in a perpetual January
integration of the Berlin TSM GCM. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 77-2, 431-445. (pdf)
- 赤堀 浩司・余田 成男, 1999: 「改良ラグランジュ平均」解析に基づいた大気大循環の力学. 京都大学防災研究所年報, 42-B-1,
361-376. (pdf)
- 石岡 圭一・山田 道夫・林 祥介・余田 成男, 1999: 回転球面上の減衰性2次元乱流からのパターン形成. ながれmultimedia,
18-6, http://www.nagare.or.jp/mm/99/index_ja.htm
- Yoden, S., K. Ishioka, Y.-Y. Hayashi and M. Yamada, 1999: A further
experiment on two-dimensional decaying turbulence on a rotating sphere. Il
Nuovo Cimento C, 22-6, 803-812. (pdf)
- Ishioka, K., M. Yamada, Y.-Y. Hayashi and S. Yoden, 2000: Technical
approach for the design of a high-resolution spectral model on a sphere:
Application to decaying turbulence. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 7,
105-110. (pdf)
- Hayashi, Y.-Y., K. Ishioka, M. Yamada and S. Yoden, 2000: Emergence of
circumpolar vortex in two dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere.
Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Developments in Geophysical
Turbulence(Fluid Mecahnics and Its Applications Vol.58), R.M. Kerr and Y.
Kimura Eds., Kluwer Academic Pub., 179-192. (pdf)
- 田口 正和・余田 成男, 2000: 成層圏循環の季節進行・年々変動に関する数値実験. 京都大学防災研究所年報, 43-B-1, 259-271.
- Yamane, S. and S. Yoden, 2001: Finite-time evolution of small
perturbations superposed on a chaotic solution: Experiment with an idealized
barotropic model. J.Atmos.Sci., 58-9, 1066-1078. (pdf)
- Yoden, S. and M. Taguchi, 2001: Numerical experiments on intraseasonal and
interannual variations of the troposphere-stratosphere coupled system. IUTAM
Symposium on Advances of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics(Fluid Mechanics and Its
Applications Vol.61), P.F. Hodnett Ed., Kluwer Academic Pub., 285-290. (pdf)
- Mizuta, R. and S. Yoden, 2001: Chaotic mixing and transport barriers in an
idealized stratospheric polar vortex. J.Atmos.Sci., 58-17, 2616-2629. (pdf)
- Taguchi, M., T. Yamaga and S. Yoden, 2001: Internal variability of the
troposphere-stratosphere coupled system simulated in a simple global
circulation model. J.Atmos.Sci., 58-21, 3184-3203. (pdf)
- 水田 亮・余田 成男, 2001: 成層圏極渦を想定した準周期流におけるカオス的混合と輸送障壁. ながれmultimedia, 20-6, (pdf)
- Yoden, S., M. Taguchi and Y. Naito, 2002: Numerical studies on time
variations of the troposphere-stratosphere coupled system. J.Met.Soc.Japan,
80-4B, 811-830. (pdf)
- Taguchi, M. and S. Yoden, 2002: A parameter-sweep experiment on the
annular variability with a simple global circulation model. J.Met.Soc.Japan,
80-4B, 1077-1088. (pdf)
- Yoden, S., K. Ishioka, M. Yamada and Y.-Y. Hayashi, 2002: Pattern
formation in two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere. "Statistical
Theories and Computational Approaches to Turbulence" Y. Kaneda and T. Gotoh
Eds., Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 317-326. (pdf)
- Taguchi, M. and S. Yoden, 2002: Internal interannual variability of the
troposphere-stratosphere coupled system in a simple global circulation model.
Part I: Parameter sweep experiment. J.Atmos.Sci., 59-21, 3021-3036. (pdf)
- Taguchi, M. and S. Yoden, 2002: Internal interannual variability of the
troposphere-stratosphere coupled system in a simple global circulation model.
Part II: Millennium integrations. J.Atmos.Sci., 59-21, 3037-3050. (pdf)
- Mizuta, R. and S. Yoden, 2002: Interannual variability of the 4-day wave
and isentropic mixing inside the polar vortex in midwinter of the Southern
Hemisphere upper stratosphere. J.Geophys.Res., 107-D24, 4798,
doi:10.1029/2001JD002037 (pdf)
- 西澤 誠也・余田 成男, 2002: 環状変動における地形の役割‐数値実験‐.京都大学防災研究所年報, 45-B, 337-345. (pdf)
- 矢尾 拓也・余田 成男・林 泰一・栽 吉信・垣花 和夫・下地 留吉, 2003:
メソ渦を伴った台風のレーダーエコー解析とMM5シミュレーション‐2000年台風12号‐.京都大学防災研究所年報, 46-B, 411-421. (pdf)
- Naito, Y., M. Taguchi and S. Yoden, 2003: A parameter sweep experiment on
the effects of the equatorial QBO on stratospheric sudden warming events.
J.Atmos.Sci, 60-11, 1380-1394. (pdf)
- Nishizawa, S. and S. Yoden, 2004: A parameter sweep experiment on
topographic effects on the annular variability. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 82-3,
879-893. (pdf)
- Hio, Y. and S. Yoden, 2004: Quasi-periodic variations of the polar vortex
in the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere due to wave-wave interaction.
J.Atmos.Sci, 61-21, 2510-2527. (pdf)
- Hio, Y. and S. Yoden, 2005: Interannual variations of the seasonal march
in the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere for 1979-2002 and characterization of
the unprecedented year 2002. J.Atmos.Sci., 62-3, 567-580. (pdf)
- Naito, Y. and S. Yoden, 2005: A statistical analysis on the effects of the
equatorial QBO on the extratropical stratosphere and troposphere based on
large samples of daily data. SOLA, 1, 17-20, doi:10.2151/sola.2005-005 (pdf)
- Nishizawa, S. and S. Yoden, 2005: Distribution functions of a spurious
trend in a finite length data set with natural variability: Statistical
considerations and a numerical experiment with a global circulation model.
J.Geophys.Res., 110, D12105, doi:10.1029/2004JD005714. (pdf)
- Sugimoto, N., K. Ishioka and S. Yoden, 2005: Froude number dependence of
gravity wave radiation from unsteady rotational flow in f-plane shallow water
system. Theoretical and applied mechanics Japan., 54, 299-304. (pdf)
- Otsuka, S. and S. Yoden, 2005: Numerical experiments on the layered
structures in the mid-troposphere over the equatorial pacific. SOLA, 1, 69-72,
doi:10.2151/sola.2005-019 (pdf)
- 大塚 成徳・余田 成男, 2005: 領域大気モデルを用いた熱帯対流圏中層の層状構造に関する数値実験. 京都大学防災研究所年報, 48-B,
467-474. (pdf)
- Hasegawa, J., K. Ishioka and S. Yoden, 2006: Asymmetrization of jet
profiles in β-plane turbulence. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on
Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures:Significance in Turbulence
Dynamics (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications Vol.79), S. Kida Ed., Springer,
207-211. (pdf)
- Naito, Y. and S. Yoden, 2006:
Behavior of planetary waves before and after stratospheric sudden warming events in several phases of the equatorial QBO.
J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 1637-1649. (pdf)
- Thalongsengchanh, P., T.W. Hadi, M. Niwano, S. Otsuka and S. Yoden, 2006:
An experimental numerical weather prediction in Indochina region with a meso-scale model.
Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst. Kyoto Univ., 49-B, 459-465. (pdf)
YODEN Shigeo <yoden@kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp> Created: April
9, 1996; Updated: January 11, 2007